
Plagiarist Rand Paul

Given his concern, in the face (farce) of a rapidly growing docket of plagiarism, with "being left alone" and having folks stop "casting aspersions on my character" than with academic honesty and with fair dealing in ideas, it's time to stop calling him "Dr. Rand Paul" or "Senator Rand Paul". His proper title and style of address should be "elevated" (at least toward the truth) to "Plagiarist Rand Paul".

And I invite His Xerocity, the Plagiarist Rand Paul to challenge me to a duel at his earliest convenience to deny that he deserves this honour. Weapons to be chosen, according to tradition, by the one challenged.


Haiku #34 - on freedom

I wrote this in response to Eben Moglen's talk about Innovation Under Austerity and a discussion that ensued after the conclusion of Eben's speech (at about the halfway point of this video on Youtube).

all I know for sure
is that freedom starts inside
where no thug can reach


Haiku #33 - The Return

So, I've been plodding along, writing haikus but not posting them and I wrote one this morning after a week-end that included, among other things, folding seven loads of laundry while watching IPL Cricket on PVR from SportsNet One. It was a match over a week old between the Chennai Super Kings and Royal Challengers Bangalore, shortened by 10 overs in the first innings, but to no great detriment. That's why there's sports on the telly, anyway, isn't it: to give you something to watch while folding laundry, right? Okay. Getting together for a Grey Cup, Super Bowl or Grand final party can be great fun, too, but whatever.

This AM it struck me how similar this was to my watching NHL hockey on 1 week tape delay (1960s, remote BC town) when everyone knew the outcomes already. I might have been the only one (besides the real die-hards, that did not include anyone of my acquaintance) watching it back then. So I wrote a haiku about it. And a co-worker liked it. So I'm posting it. So there:

Back to my childhood,
watching sports no one else does
on week's tape delay.