Another long hiatus
I guess I'll have to give up on the possibility of becoming the most influential new blogger of the year. <sigh>
So, what have I been doing instead? A lot of things -- well actually, only a few things, but I do them again and again until they begin to look like a lot of things. I could tell you all the things I haven't done.
I haven't changed employers but my employer has changed (we were bought out).
I haven't sold my house (but its value has gone silly).
I still get to work by automobile (but my erstwhile carpool of four has vanished and I'm now sharing rides with one other person).
And I haven't written a lot of blog entries (but I have continued to watch my village unfold).
Enough negativity! Let me tell you a bit of what I have done.
I've continued reading. A lot. (but there are still more things I want to read)
I've continued to enjoy the company of my gradually-becoming-adult sons.
I've experienced the worst commuting-September in Greater Vancouver that I can remember. (Usually at least three trips are taking 2x the no-volume travel time or more per week)
And I've begun to ponder how I can prevent that fact from taking a toll on me. Move? Down-size the house and then down-size my salary needs, therefore change jobs, even careers? The good news on that front is that there has been a significant up-tick in the job opportunities that are flying about. The down-side of that is the extent to which those opportunities still require a river crossing to get there.
Oh well... at least my carpool is humming along again.
Overall, I guess the reason I haven't written and published anything is that things have been happening so fast in the world and I've been so busy that things go by faster than I can get to saying anything intelligent or interesting about them.
With your kind indulgence (which I'll probably never know if anyone is extending to me) I'll try again...
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