
I never get here anymore but...

I've found a new use for this. There are a couple of articles I mean to read some time when I find the time. Linked from Groklaw's news clicks: They are World Domination 101 and World Domination 201. Then there was also a long article by Joel Spolsky explaining some guy I've begun to wonder if I should know about already, named Steve Gillmor -- but using some interesting Talmudic techniques. I probably don't really care about Steve Gillmor, but Joel's take on him looked generally informative enough to be woth perusing, at least briefly.

Anyways, now my blog has become my über-bookmark. I wonder how long it'll take to become my über-coffee maker -- and then whether it'll be an über-maker or make über-coffee? I should be careful here, or I'll require someone to come after me with rashi and tosefot sections of their own...

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