
Yo Wash Yo Hands...

Yesterday, at the end of a news broadcast, the announcer gave the following PSA, which I found moving, so I share it with you all. The "wash our hands of all this" was an acknowledgment that much of what had been reported involved different people in painful situations:

"And this word of advice in protecting the whole community:

"It is so critical that in order not to wash our hands of all of this we simply wash our hands.

"When you see somebody, and you're afraid to step away 'cause you don't want them to feel like you are afraid of them, don't think of them as the vector of disease. Think of yourself as possibly one who could infect others, because we can't know at this point.

"Step away.
Be at a safe distance to make the whole community safe.

"And when you wash your hands, to understand why this is so important: it's just simple water and soap -- I know for many it is not even possible to get that water -- but if you have access and soap, soap is critical.

"It is the most important weapon because the corona virus, corona is the crown on the virus which is a lipid, and the soap cuts through that.

"Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.

"You know how you see doctors on TV shows washing their hands and then putting their arms up? This is the way to do it.

"You sing happy birthday twice if you want to but you've gotta scrub those hands.
You've gotta interlace your fingers and scrub.
Scrub your fingertips, you know that touches, oh, everything from buttons to elevator buttons, everything else.
Wash the back and the front of your hands.

"You're doing it for yourself.
You're doing it for your family.
You're doing it for the whole community
to stop community spread.
We have to keep each other safe in this very dire time of this pandemic."

(me back again): so go on you all, pretend to be doctors and yo wash yo hands!

(shout out to Group 1 Crew for the noise in my head around the title, lifted from their "Clap Ya Hands")

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