
All Candidates Meeting -- Coquitlam-Burke Mountain

I just attended the all-candidates meeting in Coquitlam for the Provincial Election, in the riding of Coquitlam-Burke Mountain.

It's good we have the freedom to hold these things. And I'm grateful, really I am to the Real Estate Board and the Chamber of Commerce for setting it up. I even appreciate the attempt, through social media to get the pulse on the issues by asking for social media votes on the questions. You can still see the leftovers by looking at https://www.sli.do/ and entering ACD1. I don't know how long they'll be up there but as of this writing you can see the flavour and distribution of the questions that were asked from the list that's there. The ones that were asked were removed from the slido web site (as opposed to being marked "done" -- "feature request!" shouts my inner geek) so you can't see them at all.

But my Most Important Issue, electoral reform didn't come up. Oh well. It did get a few up-votes. I get it. "Meta-issues" don't bleed, so they don't lead, and as meta-issues go, this is both really, really important and really, really wonky. I get it. Maybe electoral reform is on a fringe, but if it is, I'd like to think it's a sound-mind fringe, not the lunatic variety.

As I promised from the (6 links in the next six words!) beginning, right through to the end of my series looking at how Regionalized Proportionality would work out in BC, I will analyse the results of our provincial election to see what kind of a legislature we could have had. So stay tuned...

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