
What is MFA?

Wait a sec. What on earth is MFA? That's short for Multi-Factor Authentication and the quick answer is the entrance to Edna Mode's design studio.

Did you see? Watch it again. How many factors did Edna verify against? Watch it again and watch for these points:
  1. 0'04": she entered a password
  2. 0'06": she offered a handprint
  3. 0'08": she offered a retinal scan
  4. 0'10": she offered a voice sample
  5. 0'14": she acknowledged Helen (Elastigirl) Parr's presence
That's. Too. Many. Factors. for you but it demonstrates the point, right? Especially when you remember that once she's in the door, into her studio, MFA never bothers her again.

For you, when you first log into your social media with MFA on your phone or your computer, you'll have to enter one more thing. Once you're there, you'll probably have to log out in order to be challenged by it again. The other time would be when you change your password. Do you change your password now and then? My employer makes me change certain passwords regularly. Personal accounts tend not to insist on it but, if you can come up with a way to NEVER forget your new password, you may want to change passwords periodically.

Oh, and yeah... you're not using the same password for all of your social media, are you? You are? Well, there's a reason to do some password changing right away after all then. It's obvious, right? If you use the same password everywhere, an attacker who cracks your password in one place gets an entré to all your accounts, right?

If you want the background, if enough people want a background, I'll try to add that later.

Otherwise, why not arm yourself now? Click newer to find out how. 🧵2/4

(click older to get part 1)

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