
Trying Chrome

I have been trying Chrome out for a few months now but ultimately, I'm walking away because it lacks a simple feature that I find needful while others (the seriously visually impaired) find it absolutely crucial. I can't over-ride page fonts with user fonts in Chrome.

Somebody please let me know what setting I've missed if it's already there. Somebody please let me know, too, if a new version of Chrome includes this feature.

Despite the potential for search-traffic analysis and Chrome sending my address-bar contents to Google after every character, there were lots of things to like about Chrome and I could be tempted to come back. It seems all browsers are doing that now anyways, with no option of turning it off. My objections are purist, possibly to the point of Luddism: it's a text-entry field, for pity's sakes! Kindly wait until I hit return before sending it anywhere.


Levisan said...

Hmm, interesting... I've been using Chrome for at least a year now, and I never thought of user-set fonts, but I think they have it in the newest version. I switched to RockMelt a few weeks ago, and it is built on Chromium 7, which Chrome is also built on. It has user-set fonts, assuming that I know what you mean.

Arthur said...

Hi Levisan...

It appears to allow the setting of these fonts but if you view a page that has its own notion of what the fonts should be, there is appears to be no user-accessible way of over-riding that choice.

The killer for me was an Atlassian wiki page at work that used a Courier variant instead of the monospaced over-ride I had selected. For me, this is aesthetic: I find the appearance of Courier hateful and too serif'd to be easily read. For many vision-impaired folks, judging by their comments on google's forums, this is a live-or-die feature. And neither of us could find a way to have Chrome over-ride that. There were similar complaints from netbook and smaller-device users.

After posting this I saw a user-stylesheet hack that might accomplish this on a desktop but good luck to anyone trying to accomplish that on smaller, less hackable, devices.